Friday, June 09, 2006

dad said, son, you must be...

Oh, dear.

From the BNL Ladies Room update email I just received a moment ago:

New album, Sept. 12. Good news. The album's title?

Barenaked Ladies Are Me.




Yeah, so, like, if I could set the mood on this journal, it would currently be "chagrined." But I can't, soooo we'll just have to wait and see if Justin's able to nail a correct guess today, too.


Anonymous said...


ps. you're getting really prolific with this blogging thing. i remember a time when i'd have to wait months and months for juicy tidbits from such a brilliant mind (not that i'm being facetious or anything. i just wanted to use the word faceitous.)

^kat^ said...

I'll take that as "more blogging, more party," rather than "she never seems to leave her computer these days, now, does she?"