Also, because I've been inundating the Boy with links right now and because he'd probably be happier if I were working on my portion of our trip-to-Thailand topic proposal, I'm entreating you to check out this NYMag article about the music industry's war on insider leaks. It's more fuel for my argument that music itself can't be the primary source of revenue anymore in music industry business models. It's neither practical nor feasible. Songs need to be viewed as promotional tools--a means to an end--rather than an end unto themselves. User expectations demand instant music availability, both in the time it takes to acquire music (i.e., the rise of downloading) and the time it takes for music to become available. People aren't content to wait around three months for an album to come out. Even though Radiohead got most of its press last fall from the "name your own price" aspect of its new album, perhaps equally remarkable was the rapidity with which it became available after we heard it was coming--something like two weeks, was it?
So, the bottom line: you want to keep leaks down? Then announce new albums when they're ready to go. I mean, I've known since Christmas that R.E.M. has a new record coming out in April. Why do I have to wait so damn long? I guarantee that thing's ready to go now and they're just holding it up for some sort of publicity campaign, or the tour, or whatever. But I want the music now. I still plan on shelling out big bucks to see them (and Modest Mouse! and the National!) at the United Center on June 6, and I'll surely buy some overpriced t-shirt or hoodie or whatever. They're making their money off of me one way or another. Why wait to give me my copy of their long-awaited new album?
Anyway. I have work to do, or I'd continue to soapbox on this stuff. You, dear reader, are devastated, I'm sure. Happy Superbowling--the Boy is rooting for the Giants, so I guess I am, too, but the Patriots seem untouchable this year. More importantly, can you believe it's been four years since NippleGate? Maybe Tom Petty will be wearing a lace corset under his outer garments...
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