Well, well. Hello again, Chicago. It's nice to be back, though I do miss that cute, fuzzy kitty of mine. (I won't miss having cat hair all over my clothes, though. yeeeesh.) I'm presently doing my Course and Teaching Evaluations for the past semester and I think I've waited just a tad too long, because I honestly Don't Care Anymore. Any vitriol I might have harbored for these professors has long since withered--same goes for whatever effusive praise I might've heaped at one point or another. Oh, well. Gotta get 'em done if I want to avail myself of any student evaluations in choosing my classes next year.
In other news, Mom, the Boy and I went to two (!) concerts on Friday night: Dar Williams at Schuba's, then the Twilight Singers at Metro. Dar was really fantastic--I do love seeing her in an acoustic setting, mostly because you really never know what she's going to say between songs. I learned some things about her (and her, ah, past sexual proclivities?) that I never would have guessed. Oh, and apparantly "The Ocean" is about heroin abuse. Did not know that. Killed some time in a coffee shop before heading to Metro for the Twilight Singers, but should've killed MORE time, because doors didn't open till *12:15* am, which was an hour and 15 min after when they were supposed to open. Would've been ok, except that it was COLD outside (it's May! wtf?), and there was an obnoxiously loud drunk guy next to us in line. *sigh* Also, there were two (?!) opening acts, so Dulli + crew didn't take the stage till... 1:45? And they played till, like, 3:30... it was a truly awesome show (and my throat STILL hurts, two days later, possibly from screaming the words to "Forty Dollars" or "Decatur St."), though I kind of felt bad for dragging my poor mum out so late to a show that probably wasn't entirely her cup of tea. She was a good sport about it, though, and the Boy *loved* 'em, so YAY. And "Powder Burns"? Refers to Dulli's struggle with and ultimate victory over his cocaine addiction. Wow. Rock stars and their demons, eh?
So, I spent Saturday cleaning my apartment, which it sorely needed, and I went for a bike ride (!) yesterday along the lake. Windy, and still chilly (again, MAY--Mother Nature, get your act together), but GREAT to be on a bike again. And I suppose I should return to those CTEs, and the mountain of laundry that also awaits me, not to mention my externship duties... yeah.
Monday, Monday, indeed.
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