Monday, May 08, 2006

sky blue, bells ringing

Weird. My iPod, on total, 4500-song random shuffle, has just played 3 of my favorite R.E.M. songs back to back. Not complaining, mind you (and I do have a crapload of R.E.M., so I suppose it's not THAT unusual a phenomenon).

Anyway, knee-deep in the competition-that-must-not-be-named: spent all yesterday muddling through the editing exercise, which started out as "fun! I like grammar!" and ended in "omg, my head hurts SO BADLY and I can't even tell IF there's a problem with this source, let alone how to FIX it." So, I'm going to go through it once more tomorrow evening and then call it completed. It's more important at the moment that I make serious inroads on my case note.

In other news, I've discovered the joy that is the bike/jog path along the lake, and I'm actually--*gasp*--jogging. It kind of sucks WHILE I'm doing it, but I feel [teen girl squad] SOOOO GOOD!!!11 [/teen girl squad] afterward that I think I'll see how long I can keep this up. The problem is that my favorite time to exercise is, like, 10am, which is fine now--but come full summer, it'll be 85 degrees, humid and AWFUL out there that late in the morning, so I dunno what I'll do. Hopefully I'll have my bike here by then, so that might be a way to switch it up...

Huh. Another R.E.M. song. My iPod has a crush, I think. Perhaps an Orange Crush, or a Crush with Eyeliner...? *snarf*


Anonymous said...

*sigh* I only have eponymous on mine atm but i have driver 8 and don't fall on me on my playlist since they're my all time favs atm (besides It's the End)

^kat^ said...

oh, travesty! I realized a couple years ago that by volume, I have more R.E.M. than any other artist in my collection (counting singles and the like). Eponymous was my first introduction to their back catalog and it's still a fave of mine (the horn mix of Finest Worksong is superior to the original, imho).

Anonymous said...

It took me a while to realize the significance of your title. Cause I was in my car singing along to Driver 8 when it kind of hit me in the lyrics. "sky blue, bells ringing"...I knew that seemed familiar...

for me, Ben Folds takes up most of my collection. in fact, I have this mad and twisted plan to some how create a musical using only Ben Folds tunes...