Monday, August 28, 2006

if there's some confusion, who's to blame?

I'm presently on hold with Verison DSL.

I'm a Sprint cell phone customer and my internet is provided by MDI. So why am I on hold with Verizon?

Because someone in New York with my first and last name, spelled identically, just set up a Verision DSL/phone account and the invoice confirmation was sent to my email address ( Rather than ignore it--I mean, how annoying would it be to get, like, bill invoices every month?--I called Verizon to let them know that they had the wrong email, but their only recourse was to cancel the whole account. I guess it makes sense--I mean, I have this person's new phone number and address, so I could stalk them at will. I do feel bad about cancelling their phone service, but really, now--if you weren't quick enough on the uptake to grab, then don't start giving it out as your personal email address, cherie. You've probably forgotten a middle initial in there (or maybe you forgot to specify the "T" in your (*scoff*) Americanized version of my last name).

But the bottom line, honestly? I'm clearly not as unique and beautiful a snowflake as I thought I was. Oh, well.


Anonymous said...

I'm clearly not as unique and beautiful a snowflake as I thought I was.
No, clearly you are and you have the gmail to prove it ;-)

Cella Bella said...

I still consider you a snowflake, my dear.

Anonymous said...

she probably doesn't have the same middle name either...although how weird would that be...

Anonymous said...

Anon #1 was (is) Arbie btw...


Anonymous said...

I've always known that my name wasn't unique, since I share names with my dad. However, I was a little surprised to find that there was yet another with my firstname middleinitial lastname in Bloomington. He's about my age, a preacher, and of obviously different ancestry (although there may be some commonality if you go back far enough).

But, yeah, that was a little weird.