Tuesday, August 29, 2006

too much of a good thing

Well, despite all my glibness of a few weeks ago, I do kind of see the benefit of a private/totally anonymous blog because I could perhaps speak with greater freedom about my particular OCI anxieties, which are pretty much all I'm dwelling on in my idle moments these days. But then, who the hell would I be speaking to? That being said, I guess I can divulge that the odds are looking better and better at yours truly being gainfully employed in New York (City) next summer. Nothing's in stone so everything's subject to change/abject failure at callback interviewing, but I will be visiting firms over mid-to-late September/early October to see if they still want me after talking to me for longer than 20 minutes apiece. Some of them will even have the pleasure of dining with me! (Memo to self: careful ordering soup or spaghetti. Don't be afraid to use a knife with your salad. Dribbles on clothing ≠ professional image, nor a cheap dry cleaning bill.) I have two more introductory interviews, but I'm far from being out of the woods yet. I get a momentary reprieve tomorrow, though...

...and I'll be spending my day trying to narrow my law journal topic idea(s) to something that's a) interesting, b) both in the subject area of my journal (criminal law) and the expertise of the professor I'm hoping to get to advise me, and c) not pre-empted (meaning nobody's written on that precise topic yet). I spent three and a half hours being oriented to my journal for the first time this evening, and I've got four more to look forward to on Thursday, when we'll be introduced to the joy that is "source and cite." I have only the most rudimentary knowledge of this particular activity at the moment, but I do believe it involves finding (hard copies of) sources and seeing if they really say what the author of the article says they do, as well as checking all the citations in the article for correctness. Hooray! I can't wait till I'm a 3L and can boss my own crop of 2Ls around, making them do all the journal (busy) work, because that's gotta be the light at the end of this particular tunnel. That, and building character, of course.

A final query: does anyone else think "bidet" rather than "B - day" when they see the title of Beyonce's new album? Because if I were her, I'd've re-thought that apostrophe. B'zarre, indeed.

edited to add: nooooo--another cutie from the '90s bites the dust. Or, at the very least, a twinkie or ten. T.S., you were SO CUTE in Mallrats! sigh.


frillgirl said...

Me! Me! Me! I immediately thought bidet! Then I thought - why would she DO that?

Anonymous said...

"Thursday, when we'll be introduced to the joy that is "source and cite." I have only the most rudimentary knowledge of this particular activity at the moment, but I do believe it involves finding (hard copies of) sources and seeing if they really say what the author of the article says they do, as well as checking all the citations in the article for correctness."

The sad things is, I think that this sounds like fun.

^kat^ said...

That does it. I will be farming out all my source and cite to Talcott. Thanks, man!


Rent60 said...

I've been toying with the idea of going to NYC in September/Oct myself. When are u goin?